Thursday, April 23, 2009

LifeMap Alert Chews Testimonial

These are exciting times!! I have personally tried the Life Alert Boost andall I can is, "OH MY GOSH!" After running on only 4 hours of sleep one day, I took a Life Alert and felt like I had gotten 8 hours of sleep. I had focus; headache was gone, and I had pure energy with no jitters or heart palpitations like most energy products give me. I'm hooked on Alert!!!

Lisa Carter
Certified GeneWize Affiliate
Cell 209-402-7067

reprinted by Ray Delworth

LifeMap Alert Chews

On Saturday we (those that attended the GeneWize Orlando Fly-in) got the chance to test out one of the first Lifestyle Boosts Alert. "LifeMap Alert Chews are a low calorie chocolate based confectioncontaining a patented dietary supplement called Chocamine.Chocamine is a cocoa extract containing an exclusive blend of the compoundsassociated with the health benefits of chocolate, but without the calories, fat or dairy found in chocolate candy." The entire write up about it will be available in Affiliates back office very soon. Affiliates will be able to reserve bags of Alert in your backoffice very soon. They predict it will be ready for shipping in approximately 8 weeks. When Matt and I (Amber Bautz) tasted them we were very surprised! They taste like a tootsie roll, delicious! Immediately we felt a difference in our attention; it was phenomenal.

reprinted by Ray Delworth

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Professional Sports Community GeneWize Testimonials

The DNA Assessment test was rated the #1 invention by Time Magazine for 2008. GeneWize Life Sciences in that year created the Life Map Nutrition System that firsts has it's client use a self-administered swabbing kit to swab the inside of their cheeks. The swabs are sent in a bar-coded envelope (no personal identification information) to an internationally respected lab for assessment. The resulting findings for 12 SNPs of the subject's DNA produce a report that determines their bodies ability to deal with the functions of the body that cause the most medical problems in humans and shortens our lives. The test results also determine the nutritional components to be put in supplements formulated specifically for that individual. So, while most people today take pills, supplements, drinks, powders, and potients by guessing what they need these DNA tested individuals take supplements based upon assessing what they need.

It is no wonder that professional athletes who need their bodies to be in peek condition and performance are wanting the answer to the question "what is my DNA telling me I need".
Here are some testimonials ....

For many of these athletes it's a double-edged benefit. They are taking exactly what they need to supplement their own body's ability to heal itself and guard against outside toxins BUT they are also capitalizing on the founding companies (GeneWize Life Sciences) generosity to reward it's clients with Free Supplements for referrals (Refer 4, Pay No More). AND many of them have been so enthused as to become Affiliates and are building huge residual incomes so when they leave their sport they will continue the life-style to which they have become accustomed.

But, it's not just for the rich (like most successful athletes); it has been priced so that the masses (who are already spending big bucks monthly to stay healthy) may enjoy it's benefits as well.

If you would like to learn more about how you too can benefit from answering the question "What's my DNA telling me I need for additional nutrition" then click here.

Wishing you your Best Health,
Rachel and Ray Delworth
Skype: billpayer1
Twitter: wiilovesuccess

Friday, April 17, 2009

How much Acai does YOUR body need?

I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion on Twitter and in blogs that I follow about the difference in the amount of Acai berry in their various drink products. The question I pose to them is “how much does YOUR body need”. Scientists cracked the human DNA code in 2003. They discovered that each of us is 99.1% the same. But it’s the other .9% that makes us unique and therefore our body’s health needs are unique. Therefore, what is YOUR DNA telling you it needs? Does it need extra help in fighting free radicals with extra doses of anti-oxidants, and if so how much?

I took MonaVie for almost a year and found that it gave me extra energy and more sleep. It was a welcome change! However, I was still experiencing severe pain in my hips after a couple hours of dancing with my wife for at least a day after. But, then I discovered GeneWize Life Sciences. Time Magazine awarded its top invention for 2008 to the DNA Assessment Kit. I wanted to find out what my DNA was telling me. I wanted to be able to throw away the 11 containers of vitamin and mineral supplements my wife insisted I needed, and if possible to be free of the cholesterol prescription I am taking.

My DNA Analysis indicates that out of the 12 SNP’s it tests, 2 of mine are in need of “Maximum Support” and 5 need “Added Support”. SNP’s (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) are small variations in DNA. These account for all human differences including HOW EFFICIENT WE ARE AT KEY BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES. The first SNP that needed maximum support is my VDR (Vitamin D Receptor). In addition, one of the areas I need “Added Support” is the MMP-1 (collagen). This is the main component of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and bone. Hmm this might account for my hips being so weak! The second SNP that needs maximum support is ApoB (Apolipoprotein B). Apolipoproteins make up the protein part of lipoproteins (cholesterol carriers). One of the more researched apolipoproteins is apolipoprotein B (ApoB). It constitutes the protein component of LDL, the “bad” kind of cholesterol carrier. Ah yes, it confirms why I need to take the cholesterol medicine!

So naturally, the ingredients in my “Ray Delworth nutritional supplements” contain nutrients for maximum support to my vitamin D receptor, collagen, and to control my “bad” cholesterol. The other ingredients work to help the other five areas that need added support. Of note, though, is that my EPHX, NQO1, and SOD2 SNP’s that deal with Epoxides (toxic highly reactive foreign chemicals), the coenzyme Q10 reductase, which is a key anti-oxidant, and SOD2 which also is involved in scavenging free radicals, but focuses on one particular toxic type of free radical: superoxide - all are at "Optimum Genetic Function".

So, again the question I posed is “how much Acai berry (highest level of anti-oxidants to fight free radicals, toxins, oxidative stress) do I need”. The answer FOR ME is “NOT VERY MUCH” since my DNA handles the problem very well (Optimum Genetic Function). So all that money ($142 monthly) was a waste of money! And I certainly don’t need to worry about whether the drink I’m ingesting has 19% Acai Berry or 100%!

If you want to know what your DNA is telling you about what it needs, then start your journey to YOUR best health here --

GeneLink – Genetic Biosciences For Improving the Quality of Life

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Wii Fit Board says ooohhhh!

So is it just me or does the Wii Fit Board say "oohhh" for everyone - light and heavy? It sure is a bit demoralizing at first. I gained 3 pounds over the weekend, partly because I did not get ANY exercise, including the Wii Fit for 3 days. So, this morning I was saying "ooohhh" too when I saw my Wii Fit Age results and BMI. Now I have a bigger hill to climb to reach my 2 week goal for weight loss (of which I'm 5 days into)!

Wii, as a family, hosting about 40 of our family members and friends did get some Wii time. Wii played bowling, tennis, and Wii Mario Kart racing. One of my nephews is so good at bowling that he can go into a completely different room and throw strikes repeatedly (5 in a row yesterday). So, it does tell me that despite the exercise I'm getting the Wii Bowling game loses a bit of authenticity in realism. "Oooohhh not fare" was the common complaint amongst those competing against him.